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Internship Experience at – HSA , Delhi

Name of the Intern

-Aryan Singh Chouhan


College and Year of the Intern

-III Year , B.A.LLB(Hons.) Institute of law, Nirma University


Name of the Firm

-HSA Advocates.


Full Address

-81/1 Adchini ,Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi.


Duration of Internship

-2 July 2019 - 29 July 2019 (4 weeks)


How did you apply and secure internship 

-You can apply for an internship by sending mail on internship@hsalegal.com


Core areas of law

-HSA had dedicated teams working on various areas of law.


Main tasks

-My main work in the internship was related to study of compliances required in different laws.


Work Environment

-The work environment was very professional and at the same time the associates were very helpful and since the office of HSA, Delhi is quite big, interns had a lot of space to sit and do 

their work peacefully and I learnt a lot there.



-There was no specific break or lunchtime but usually everybody have there lunch at around 2 pm and there was pantry where you can sit and have your lunch.


Court Visits

-I worked mainly with compliance team so I never visited court.


Things that could be improved

-Personally, I found nothing bad in my internship and I learned a lot and it was a great experience overall


 Also read - Internship Experience at - Global Legal Associates, Delhi


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