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Internship Experience at - ACC Limited, Mumbai

image credits- ACC Limited

 Name of the intern

- Nandini Agrawal


College and Year of the Intern

-Symbiosis Law School, NOIDA; 5th Year


Name of the Company

-ACC Limited, Mumbai


Full Address

-Cement House, 121, Maharshi Karve Rd, Churchgate, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400020


Duration of Internship

-4 weeks


How did you apply and secure internship

-Through college placement cell/


Core areas of law

-Competition Law, Mining Laws


Main tasks

-Legal briefs, case briefs, studying the reports of the cases already pending in the courts


Work Environment

-The environment there is quite comfortable and they made sure to provide the helping hands as and when required. The associates there were welcoming from day one.



-Only lunch break


Court Visits





Things that could be improved

-The more work could have been assigned to an intern.


Also read  - Internship experience at Crawford Bayley & Co., Mumbai

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